
Transform Trust - Community Hub

Together we Achieve

Celebrating Our Schools

Celebrating William Booth's Writers


The children at William Booth Primary and Nursery School were delighted to take part in a whole-school Writing Competition in January. All children, both those in school and those working remotely, were given time to create a piece of writing about anything they wanted. The variety of genres and different topics covered was amazing and the judges had a difficult job in choosing the four winners; one from each phase. The winners each received a writing pack, a certificate and a voucher for them to spend online. Well done Boothers!

Spring Term 1 so far at Allenton Community Primary School

Whitegate Primary School - Looking to the Rainbow

Transform Trust Virtual Festive Celebration

Watch our Christmas 2020 collaboration with 17 of our schools celebrating the festive period.

Transform Trust End Of Year Film

A virtual recap on 2019/2020 looking back over a strange year and the amazing achievements and resilience of all of our children and staff.
