
Transform Trust - Community Portal

Together we Achieve


Welcome to your family eSafety page! This page is designed so that you watch a video with an adult first so that you can talk about it, and then some activities which you can do on your own (or with help if you need it) and then share them with your adult and your teacher. We want you to be really safe using the internet at home as well as at school, so ask your adult about their experiences and talk about how to be a fantastic digital citizen at home and at school. 

Challenge One - This Could Be A Scam

First, watch this video, which is from Google's 'Be Internet Legends', and talk about the questions at the end with the adult you're with. 
Once you've had a go at the first activity, share it with your teacher to show off what you have created! Then, continue on to the next activity below. 

Challenge 2 - Beware What You Share

Challenge 3 - Hack Me If You Can
