
Transform Trust - Community Hub

Together we Achieve


What is Oracy and why am I learning about it?


Oracy is being able to talk through ideas, share understanding and communicate effectively with others through speaking (and listening). Obviously we already spend a lot of time talking and listening, but we are focusing on Oracy in order to improve how well we are able to do this. It is really important that we are able to express ourselves and feel heard, and being able to talk confidently and listen effectively are key life skills for us all. Research has shown that being able to communicate effectively improves mental health and well-being. The activities included in this section will include sentence starters, examples and/or question prompts to help structure your thoughts and discussions.



These activities are for everyone because you can take them to whatever level is best for you and the other people you choose to do this with. You will need someone at home to help you. 
